You're dead. Now what?

A word from Blodeuwedd

Whelp! It seems your visa for the Material Realm has expired, before you rush to renew it, why not check out one of the many exciting afterlife locations on offer? Our growing collection of travel brochures will ensure that you know where to go once you arrive, how to make the best of your stay, and most importantly, how to leave.

A directory of afterlife locations can be found below. If a brochure is available, the destination will have a link. Don't see a link? Don't worry, this directory is a work in progress. Consider signing up to the newsletter to be alerted when it's added.

Giulio Romano, Fall of the Giants. (1522)

Upper Realms

These realms are located above the material world and tend to be off limits to most souls. The entry requirements are often quite strict! Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't qualify for entry. You can always try again next-time.*

Heaven: a Divine Tour
Heaven – the place where dreams come true and eternal happiness is a reality. But beware, entry isn’t guaranteed – you’ve got to meet the requirements at the gates!
Jannah: Paradise with a Splash of Divine Luxury
Welcome to Jannah, where the rivers of wine flow, the trees bear the ripest fruits, and the air smells of musk. Here, earthly desires are transcended, and you’ll find yourself dwelling in the lap of divine luxury. But remember, the key to Jannah is living a righteous life on Earth
Pure Land: a Peaceful and Enlightened Realm
Accessible via the Golden Bridge. Access must be approved. Have all your paperwork ready!
Tian: A Heavenly Trip to the Chinese Celestial Paradise (Bring Your Paperwork!)
Tian, the splendid heavenly realm ruled by the Jade Emperor, is the ultimate reward for those who have led a life of virtue and piety. This celestial paradise is inhabited by gods, goddesses, and immortals who enjoy their days feasting on the legendary peaches of immortality and sipping on divine
Uçmag: Where Flying is the New Walking (Wings Not Included)
Pack your bags, aspiring aviators, for we’re about to embark on a journey to Uçmag, the aerial wonderland of Turkic and Altaic mythology! But don’t expect any airplanes or helicopters on this trip; instead, we’ll be learning the art of flying, the Uçmag way! To reach Uçmag, one must first
Hanan Pacha: Sunbathing with the Gods (Don’t Forget Your Celestial Sunscreen)
Fellow sun-worshippers, are you ready for a solar-powered vacation? Pack your bags, and let’s journey to Hanan Pacha, the Incan upper world where the Sun and Moon reside in all their divine splendour! To reach Hanan Pacha, one must traverse the breath-taking landscape of the Andes, where each step…
Svarga: The Waiting Room That Puts All Others to Shame (Complimentary Celestial Snacks Included)
Part of the You’re Dead, Now What? Series You’re dead. Now what?Travel Brochures for Afterlife Destinations.Myth, Lore, & MagicL.E. Ataire Tired of waiting rooms with uncomfortable chairs, outdated magazines, and stale coffee? Then it’s time to treat yourself to a visit to Svarga, the Hindu Good K…

The House of God (Ardyenne) -  Dogon. It's like your house, but better.

Asgard - Norse. Entry limited to designated areas.

The Land of the Dead - Australian Aboriginal. Entry requirements vary. Be prepared.

Topan (Thirteen Heavens) - Aztec. Entry is determined by cause of death.

Orún - Yoruba.  Return to the source.

Vyraj - Slavic.  Located past the Milky-way.

Takamagahara - Japanese.  Birthplace of the Gods.

House of Song - Zoroastrian. An absolute must for music lovers!

Olympus - Greek. Invite only after a few trouble makers ruined it for everyone.

Sir Joseph Noel Paton, The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania. (1847)

In-between Realms

These are worlds that share our plane of existence.  Entry requirements are often non-existent. Perfect for those who fancy a little adventure but don't want to travel too far.

The Otherworld - Celtic. Parallel world. Free Entry. Beware of time differences and regional conflicts.

Dreamtime - Australian Aboriginal. Incredible experience! Highly recommended.

Kingdom of Opona - Slavic. A peasant's paradise. A Utopia where the ruling class leaves everyone alone. Located at the edge of the world.

Barzakh - Muslim. The veil between worlds.

Bardo - Buddhist. The gap between lives.

Tiracchāna (Realm of Animals) - Buddhist. Love animals? Why not be one?

Aaru - Egyptian. A paradise located where the sun rises.

Limbo/ Purgatory - Christian. For those denied entry to Heaven over minor correctable issues and hoping to reapply.

Chinvat Bridge - Zoroastrian. Appears different to each person.

Tokoyo no Kuni (Land of the Eternal) - Japan. Beyond the sea is a land of everlasting life.

Eugène Ernest Hillemacher, Psyche in Hell, 1865

Lower Realms

The Netherworlds offer the greatest range of experiences and destinations. Entry requirements vary. Consider booking a guide so you don't get lost!

Ukhu pacha - Incan. Ruled by a king and a queen. Keep an eye out for devils.

Kur - Mesopotamian. Not many amenities. Bring what you'll need. Especially food and water!

Dis - Roman. There's plenty to do and see but most take the time to rest and relax.

Hades - Greek. Be sure to tip your ferryman, and be careful which river you drink from.

Diyo - Chinese. Reminisce over your bad behaviour in the ten courts of torture, each with their own unique theme.  A must for escape room lovers.

Duat - Egyptian. The route to judgement. A once in a lifetime journey. Bring a map!

Patala - Hindu. More Beautiful than the heavens. Jewel of the underworlds.

Xibalba - Mayan. The Place of Frights. Perfect for those who love a good scare. Not for the faint of heart.

Nawia - Slavic. Home of the World tree. Why not make the trip in the form of a bird? It's an option.

House of Lies (Duzakh) - Zoroastrian. Weather warnings are in effect in all areas. Visitors often complain about insects and the smell. Please pack accordingly.

Yomi (World of Darkness) - Japanese.  Gloomy.

Nirai Kanai - Ryukyuan. Interested in becoming a guardian spirit for your descendents? This is the place for you.

Yima's Realm (kingdom of the dead) - Persian. While it can be difficult to settle in, and support from the living is recommended, many find this destination to be quite rewarding.

Mictlan: The Ultimate Nine-Level Adventure Course of the Afterlife!
Part of the You’re Dead, Now What? Series You’re dead. Now what?Travel Brochures for Afterlife Destinations.Myth, Lore, & MagicL.E. Ataire For thrill-seekers and challenge lovers, Mictlan, the Aztec underworld, is the perfect destination! This incredible nine-level adventure course will test your…

Hell - Christian.  Come for the company, stay for the eternal torture. To get here look for the road paved in good intentions. (Avoid the highway, there's traffic.)

Tamag: Fire Up Your Spirit with Tengri’s Award-Winning Prisoner-Release Program!
Unleash your spirit in Tamag, the Tengri underworld! An intense and transformative journey.

Helheim - Norse. Life as usual, but colder and with more fog.

Sheol - Jewish. If you can't decide, you could always stay in the grave until summoned.

* The ability to try again is dependent on the departing location. Some realms do not allow their residents to leave after arrival. Keep this in mind when choosing your destination.